Webinar: monitoring food safety and fraud incidents in a smart and efficient way
You’re managing a quality management system to guarantee the food safety and quality of your products. Your business relies on your quality system. Your agenda overflows. You’re very busy, but how do you keep track of possible essential hazards to keep your quality system up-to-date?
Head-Up Display (HUD) is a technic originally developed for fighters. Using this technic, the pilot could keep his eyes on the surrounding area and keep track of essential data like height and location. A quality manager is, like a pilot, busy with a lot of detailed and critical information. Monitoring of incidents is an important part of an up-to-date HACCP plan.
Riskplaza presents the Safety HUD of MérieuxNutriSciences. An indispensable instrument to stay up-to-date with worldwide food safety and food fraud incidents.
Specialists give practical tips and tricks:

Manoeska Stolk
Productmanager Riskplaza

Tim van den Beukel
Riskplaza specialist
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After this webinar you know all advantages of Safety HUD. You can easily watch the webinar from your own work place.
Within 50 minutes up-to-date regarding:
- Monitor reports worldwide smart and efficient
- Easily reporting in your risk assessment
- Meet strict standards and customer requirements
- How to save time

Watch the webinar
Note: Only Dutch spoken available