Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between the Riskplaza database and the Riskplaza Audit+?

The Riskplaza database is an online environment where information is collected about raw material risks. Examples include explanations about a risk and the related legislation and scientific information. The database is the tool that is used to complete a risk analysis of raw materials.
The Riskplaza Audit+ is an audit to prove that a company has demonstrably controlled all raw material risks. The Riskplaza database is the information source that the company uses to prepare for the audit, and which the auditor uses to check during the audit.

Can I use the Riskplaza database on its own or must I certify myself after taking out a subscription?

Certification is voluntary and is not mandatory when taking out a subscription to the database. The Riskplaza database offers you support when drawing up an HACCP plan.

What is the difference between a Chain Guarantee System and Ketenborging (Chain Assurance)?

Since 2012, Riskplaza-audit+ has been a chain guarantee system accepted by the NVWA (Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority) that is used to support this authority. This means that companies with Riskplaza-audit+ approval are eligible for reduced supervision on the ‘raw material risks’ component. In additions, customers of audit+ companies may use Riskplaza as an audit option for the control of risks related to raw materials as described in information sheet 64. Note: the consumer must identify and assess the risks, but does not audit on the control by the supplier.

Ketenborging is an initiative of the Taskforce Voedselvertrouwen (Food Confidence Taskforce). The Taskforce has drawn up criteria for quality schemes in consultation with the NVWA that must strengthen the private safeguarding of food safety and especially food integrity. Riskplaza is accepted for Ketenborging

How can I inform customers outside the Netherlands about Riskplaza Audit+?

The Riskplaza audit scheme has been approved by the Dutch Accreditation Council (RvA). This means that Riskplaza has been officially accredited as an international scheme holder. Riskplaza has been accepted for the NEN-EN-ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 standard; a management system standard. This means that the certifying bodies who perform the Riskplaza audits may issue an official certificate that is recognised worldwide. The certification of a management system represents independent proof that this system meets a number of strict requirements that have, in this case, been drawn up by Riskplaza. The NVWA uses Riskplaza Audit+ in the Netherlands for its supervision policy. This does not yet apply with regard to authorities abroad.

Where can I see which companies have completed the Riskplaza Audit+ successfully?

Here you can find all companies with a Riskplaza-audit+ certificate. You will also see companies that have applied for a Riskplaza-audit+, but which have not yet been certified. Organisations that have a Riskplaza subscription are informed through newsletters when a company has successfully completed the Riskplaza-audit+. If a Riskplaza-audit+ company does not complete the Riskplaza-audit+ successfully or if the Riskplaza-audit+ status is withdrawn at the organisation’s own request, this will also be announced in the newsletters, specifying the reason for withdrawal.

How does the Riskplaza Audit+ compare to other self-auditing systems that the NVWA takes into account with regard to supervision?

Riskplaza is a chain guarantee system that focuses specifically on controlling raw material risks that the NVWA takes into account in the supervision that it exercises in the sector. In addition, the NVWA also takes into account other self-auditing systems. The Riskplaza Audit+ is currently the only system that is accepted within the framework of purchase verification as described in the NVWA’s information sheet 64.

I only supply composite products to my customers. Can I then also go for the Riskplaza Audit+?

Yes, the Riskplaza Audit+ can be performed with regard to all food companies in the entire sector. Composite products may, in turn, be a raw material for the ultimate consumer end product.

The purchase of composite products as raw materials must also comply with the requirements from the European regulation on the hygiene of foodstuffs or, in other words, a full risk analysis and the control of all possible risks of the purchased raw materials.

Products that are delivered to customers as both a consumption-ready product and a semi-finished/raw material also fall under the scope of the Riskplaza Audit+. Products that are only delivered as consumption-ready products do not fall within the scope of the Riskplaza Audit+.

In which way can I best prepare my company for the Riskplaza Audit+?

The Riskplaza-audit+ certification scheme contains all criteria to comply with for the Riskplaza-audit+ certification. A good preparation start by reading this scheme carefully. The scheme can downloaded here.

How long do I have to implement changes in Riskplaza in my company's own HACCP system?

If changes with regard to content have been implemented in Riskplaza, the Riskplaza company must implement them in the company’s own HACCP system. The periods when these changes must have been processed in the food safety system are as follows:

  • The company shall implement the updates of the Riskplaza food safety database in its certified food safety management system within 13 weeks.
  • Legal standards shall be implemented from the date specified by law.

How many hours can I save on my literature study using Riskplaza?

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