The Convenience of Riskplaza

Riskplaza gathers all relevant legal and practical information about raw material hazards in a database for you. This allows you to have all the necessary information at your fingertips with ‘the press of a button’ to carry out your HACCP / VACCP analysis. This convenience saves a lot of time. There are several databases:

Database Food Safety Hazards

The food safety database specifies food safety hazards associated with ingredients and provides a factsheet for each hazard with detailed background information. The database offers insights into which hazards apply to your ingredients, the relevant laws, regulations, and standards, and provides tips on control measures.

Database Food Fraud Risks

The food fraud database provides an overview of all types of food fraud and offers insights into the dangers to consider regarding your ingredients. For each hazard, a factsheet has been compiled with detailed background information and examples.


The database also includes a handy assessment tool to determine whether a particular hazard poses a high risk in your situation.

Database food contact materials

The database of food contact materials provides insight into the hazards associated with packaging and other food contact materials. Understand which legislation, migration characteristics, and storage conditions apply, and uncover potential food safety hazards and control measures.